Friday, March 16, 2012

Wawa Part 1

Part 1

aku nk citer pasai sorang manusia nie..dia nie freshie kat skulah aku..wawa nma dya..first2 aku tgok dya..OMG,,bgai nk runtuh dada lg tersedak air aku tgh minum wktu jlan2 bersma kwn2 ku yng x berapa btoi serupa nan aku di kaki lima bersebelahan dgn bilik muzik berdestinasi kan dorm yng tercinta*puihh..skli aku tgok dia,,fewwit..berlekak-lekuk btoi la straw nie*air aku dh abes..cntek siut mta dya..niat d hati mmg tros nk tgur,,tpi nmpk dya nan kwan dya..simpan la kejap di hati ku yng tgh ter dup-dap sbntar.....lpas2 dya jlan tpi aku tuh,,tros aku jerit,,waaaa...nk berkenalan lar!!!!otomatik kwn aku yng tgh ber-gosip tntng apa tah*asl kan jgn aku sdah.. menegur seraya mencepuk kpla aku yng sdng d buai angan2 merapu*ceh..

kwn ku :woi lovestrong!!nk mati dh ka melalak srupa dgn hulk x tntu pasai kat cnie??

beta x terlibat ya dlm citer tuan hamba...kof~kof~

aku :hah!mana da aku jerit..*kaver...kaver..

kwn ku sorang lg : x jerit lg nie smpai terduduk serupa dgn minta kawin nie..amende??dh buang tebiat agk nye

aku : ceh!orng utara buat gagah ckp KL buleh..

tros aku di cepuk skli lg..*toing*..adess,,lbih skit dek rotan berbisa encik ahmadi a.k.a pk hem kmi..seraya meninggalkan aku yng sdng berangan x abes2 dek wawa sbntr tdi..*mengalahkan sasterawan hak dok buat novel nuh..ada bkat la kan..*hakktuiihh

hari berikut nyer..
wktu prep adalah wktu bersuka-ria buat x ye..kacau mamat sblah..kacau minah hujung..kacau org tgh khutbah sna-sni..warak*tuihh..
ahah!!5 minit lg 10.30 pm..wktu d mna bkal2 pemimpin nk blek asrma ntuk buat projek haram*yng golongan *tuuttt* sja ya,,golongan baik spt aku semesti nya menunaikan fardu dn sunat seterusnya bru mnjlankan aktiviti mlm ye smua..spt,menge-usha orng,,bergosip2*feberet2,,dn lain2 yng sewaktu dgn nyer la..ok *teet* lri tjuk

berbalik kpd psai mnunggu wktu yng d tggu2..aku pown lepak2 la d ats kerusi ku yng keraih kedekang itu smbil mendendang kan lgu2 hot d carta spt lgu2 katy perry,lgu2 christina perri, perri platypus..

nek,tok,,cu tmpang lalu~~

ok *teet2*lri tjuk..sdg aku menyanyi dgn merdunya,,mata ku teralih kpd stu tgga yng sedang d turuni oleh student2 form4 dn makhluk yng bernma wawa itu sdg menuruni ank tgga tersbut*lingkup tatabahasa,,tros suara ku yng merdu spt taylor swift ini menjd spt orng bru bersalin..kuh3.. you remember where we sitting there by the toilet.....lalalaala~~

push lagi push....ish,thu la push!!nie depa duk tgok aku bersalin nie..mlu lar!!errkk~~push2!!

tros trdgr suara2 sumbang dri kwan2 ku yng hampeh itu mengatakan,''eh2,katy perry jtuh pntas la!!suara pown dh mcm tersumbat mike''..


gulp,terus terdiam seribu bhasa dek kta2 ''semangat'' kwn2 ku itu..dgn spantas kilat tpi x se-slow broadsiputbabi anda,,aku tros mencapai beg ku yng lawa di hdapan dn terlompat2 serta terkinja2 mahu pulang tetapi d halang oleh beberapa classmate aku yng amat berhasad dngki dgn ku!!*gurauan smata2..''lovestrong!!sok ang bertugas!!p cuci tngkap dlu bwu bleyh blek!!''...

cilake,bru nk g teropong si wawa yng cun melecun lawa abes ala2 rozita che wan tuh..desus hati ku,lovestrong..kahkahkah..ooppsss..kaver..kaver..trun saham kang..hehe..XP

oopppss,,nmpk lurah!!!kaver2~~hehehe

bersambung.... Baca yng nie plak!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Smokers Shit !

Ahah!!nice title isn't?
why?actually,there's somethin' i wanna tell u guys 'bout myself that you guys don't know..
yup,i am smokers hater..

why again?because,....
actually i don't know why i hate smokers eventhough my father also a smoker..!at my school,there's a lot of smokers..there's 'bout 2/4 lar(boys only)..girls i don't know lar..last year,the amount of smokers only 1/4 but this year it's increase isn't...and it keeps increasing the way,i'm not good in,if there any grammar mistake,please correct me okay..continue with our discussion just now 'bout the smokers..for your guys information,i hate smokers more than i hate the druggers you know..even i don't know the reason..but the truth,i really hate smokers..even the smokers questioned me,,

''why did you hate us??we even don't make any trouble to you until now right?''
and i reply,''i don't know..i just hate the people that smoke..maybe b'coz they're separating the harmful smoke from the cigarette that can harm people nearby..(ah,form 3 chapter 1 under topic of respiration not reproduction everyone!)yes,there are many substances can harm people even the smokers or the people who are not smoking..(what we called it...yes,'passive smokers')

looks like i can be the science teacher here..just kidding!
maybe that's the reason i hate the people,who are admiring me and he/she is smoking..keep it out of me okay!on the other hand,don't even you dare come close to me while you're smoking or else you will enter the hospital for 3 months!
kta kan TIDAK pda ROKOK!!

so everyone!i think that's all from me..thank you!
(gimme a big claps...wuhuu!!)
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